Are You Ready To Love?

Are You READY To Love? is one of the most crucial questions you'll ever ask yourself. As we age,our love connections become more vital. Regretfully, they can also be a source of mental and emotional pain and disappointment. Relationship frustration, increasing divorce rates as well as expanding singlism amongst those over 50, are proof that our mindsets can be our worst enemy.

Start With You

Our expectations have ended up being very impractical. Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately and asked yourself: Am I truly lovable? We need to first start with structuring long-lasting partnership success based upon having strong and positive character. A strong, loving and long-lasting relationship starts with loving ourselves in a healthy way, thus, creating a loving personality. People in extraordinary relationships share a powerful trait: they are mentally and emotionally healthy, therefore, they are a pleasure to be around. Phenomenal partnerships embody three powerful concepts: Respect, Moral Obligation, and Realness

Create A Phenomenal Relationship

Respect: Your partner's well-being, sense of comfort and security are just as crucial to the success of your relationship as yours. Our companion's hopes and also dreams are also very important. The current generation, at times, seems to be proponents of the "all about me" school of thought and thus, many modern relationships are suffering as a result.
Lack of respect and quality time should definitely take a back seat to personal gain and recognition.
Imagine if EACH person in the relationship focused more on being attentive to the other. There would be very little time to worry about whether or not anyone is getting what he/she wants. By default, by placing the other person's needs first, everyone in the relationship wins.

Moral Obligation: Whether you like it or not, you are morally responsible to those with whom you have relationships.
Many look for self-fulfillment at any cost, even at the emotional and mental cost of those they claim to love. We are not responsible for our partner's joy, (that is an internal job), but we responsible for our role in creating a space where he/she can experience love. Love is a moral obligation to another and what we say or do influences those we love.

Realness: Real love can only grow and thrive when each person in the relationship is real. In today's social media driven world, we have lost the fearlessness to be genuine!
Commonly, there is quite a void between the person we really are within and the person we present to the world.
But the sad truth is that regardless of how well we play our "wordly role", ultimately our truth arises. Being ready to love means being actual and real. When we are genuine, our real and best relationships materialize and we never ever need to doubt their "realness".

Despite the state of our current relationships or just how unsuccessfully we have searched for love, we have the ability to significantly change today. Shared respect, moral duty and realness are vital to exceptional and long-lasting relationships.

Reap The Benefits

Additionally, people who are in healthy partnerships and who are ready to love, can reap the following benefits as well:

* They live happier and more fulfilled lives
* They can deal better with stress and anxiety
* They have much better sex more frequently
* They laugh more often extra and also have a good time
* They are generally healthier and may live longer
* They are positive and stable in general

In short, producing a loving connection could very well be the best preventative medicine for anyone at any age, but it especially for those over the age of 50.

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